Looking Back

Looking back allows us to recognise profound lessons in life. We see the times we fell down and how we stood up again.

Invited into Life

We suffer a lot when the one or ones we care about are suffering. We also ache when our own emotional and physical challenges overwhelm us. It is very hard then to remember that God loves us. Those words become only words, even platitudes. The truth is that the Old English meaning of the word […]

The Story of Our Lives

Ponder Each person’s life tells a unique story, starting at birth and unfolding throughout the years. Our story contains loving relationships, personal growth, successes, failures, adventures, and a lot of ordinary day-to-day moments that become more precious with the passing of time. Our faith assures us that God remains with us as each chapter unfolds […]

About Prayer

In my understanding, God has always given us everything in advance, an abundance of everything, and is never apart from us. When I pray, I don’t think of trying to influence a God out there somewhere to do something for me. God is present right where I am whether I feel it or not. Addressing […]